Code of Conduct – Code of Conduct
Sänger Group of Companies
The Sänger Group is an owner-managed family business specializing in the manufacture of roller and roller bearings, metal products and the sale of fishing tackle to specialist and mail order companies as well as DIY stores.
The Code of Conduct is an important part of our corporate strategy. In addition to our goal of customer satisfaction, we are committed to the well-being and safety of our employees. Occupational health and safety is of particular importance to us and is assessed and supervised independently by experts.
Possible sources of danger are therefore recorded, assessed and checked for possible improvements. Individual parts of the company are certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 or HACCP.
We have also taken a further step towards sustainability and the conservation of resources with an energy audit in accordance with DIN 16247-1.
For the future cooperation of our employees, customers and suppliers, the Sänger Group has agreed a code of conduct based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of the UN Global Compact.
Compliance with the following principles is the basis of all our business relationships with our suppliers as well as with our employees:
- Respect for human rights
- Respect for occupational health and safety
- Respect for freedom of association
- Elimination of all forms of forced labor
- Prohibition of child labor
- Appropriate remuneration in accordance with national regulations and minimum wage laws
- Compliance with legal requirements regarding working hours
- Prohibition of discrimination in employment and occupation
- Precautionary principle in dealing with environmental problems
- Promotion of environmental awareness
- Prohibition of corruption, extortion and bribery
- Material compliance issues with regard to
REACH, RoHS, POP, TSCA, CP65 must be answered - For conflict minerals, the laws according to Regulation (EU) 2017/821 and the Dodd-Frank Act must be complied with
- Compliance with the sanctions packages of the European Union against Russia in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 833/2014
For the
Sänger Rollenlager GmbH & Co. KG
Saenger Top Tackle GmbH
Westline Angelgeräte GmbH
December 2023
Hans- Jürgen Sänger & Katrin Sänger